Episode 64 - Cathy McKinnon - From Facing Infertility And Cancer To Helping Women Live Their Dream Lives


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VulnerABLE Podcast


This is Episode 64 of the VulnerABLE Podcast! She struggled with infertility, and if that wasn't enough, through the treatment they discovered she had Thyroid Cancer. Now she's coaching women to achieve the confidence and energy they dream of! Her biggest struggle in life came about 12 years ago when she had to face infertility, and she would hide it from everyone for a decade. It was something she felt like no one would understand, and in some ways there was shame felt about it. She was able to confide in one close friend, but that was it through the entire process. The strength it took to go through the process was unbearable at times, and if you ask her it was her mental resilience that carried her through. Then just when she thought she had enough to deal with she was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer while going through her infertility treatment. But she decided not to give up, and rely on the people she trusted most. Now as the founder of Wellness Warrior Coaching she’s helping ambitious women to release burnout and finally step into the confidence and energy they dream of. For more information on Cathy McKinnon you can follow her on social media, check out her website, her podcast or her book: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wellnesswarriorcoaching Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wellnesswarriorcoaching/ Website: https://wellnesswarriorcoaching.com/