Episode #72 - Crypto Rich and the Future of Privacy and Governance


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Gold Goats 'n Guns Podcast


With Bitcoin and Ethereum on the tip of everyone's tongue I wanted to sit down with my friend Crypto Rich to discuss what I feel are the two areas where both of these behemoths fall short, governance and privacy.Governments are moving into hyperinflation of not just their money supplies but also their surveillance powers, which is what they are spending a lot of that newly printed money on. Rich and I delve into the BPSAA, the recent meteoric rise of Pirate Chain and where the industry is headed along that front as well as the pros and cons of he current state of the Decentralized Finance, DeFi, space.Show Notes:LuongoThe Central Bankers are Coming, The Central Bankers are Coming.... for your Bitcoin!https://tomluongo.me/2021/04/19/bankers-are-coming-for-your-bitcoin/Bitcoin, It's Not a "Real" Truckhttps://tomluongo.me/2021/04/19/bankers-are-coming-for-your-bitcoin/Crypto RichYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/CryptoRichBitTube: https://bit.ly/bitubevideo​Odysee - https://bit.ly/odyseecryptorich​Youtube - http://bit.ly/youtubecryptorich​Telegram: https://t.me/cryptorichofficial​Twitter – https://twitter.com/CryptoRichYT​Lbry - https://bit.ly/cryptorichlbry