Episode 8 - Sally McRae (Yellowrunner), Pro Mountain Runner for Nike


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Crazy Does It


Sally McRae, also known as Yellowrunner, grew up in Southern California. In 2009, Sally learned about “ultramarathons” and “trail running” and in 2010, she ran her first 50-mile trail race and immediately fell in love with the sport. Having been a competitive athlete for most of her life, she began focused training and setting goals for herself. Her dream of becoming a professional athlete was realized at the beginning of 2014 when she signed with Nike. Trail running has allowed her to see the world, meet people from every walk of life, and has challenged her to work hard, keep growing, and to NEVER stop believing that ANYTHING is possible. There’s a lot more to Sally’s story, which she’ll share throughout our interview. I know our conversation is going to leave you inspired and grateful for this life that we have.