Episode 9 GAELSTRONG: COVID-19, DFACS, and Child Safety, Abuse, and Neglect


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Attention all Administrators, Social Workers, Counselors, and Teachers! DFACS and Child Safety in the age of COVID-19? In this episode of #GAELSTRONG, we sit down with Jeffery Brown, Region 4 Director of Georgia's Department of Family and Children Servies (DFACS), and Holly Line, Butts County, GA, DFACS Director.  Questions to explore: 1. Are students quarantined in homes filled with the stresses of sickness and job security more at risk of abuse and neglect? 2. How has DFACS adapted and adjusted in this time of social distancing? 3. What are some ways school systems can identify students and families who need assistance or who are in danger? 4. What are some potential dangers and risks that will increase as the incidence of sick parents increases? 5. Who are some potential partners that can become involved and help with this issue right now? 6. Are there some online resources, videos, and messages that government partners and school systems can push out to parents to help them cope at home with their children so that abuse and neglect do not occur? Can school systems produce these resources simply? 7. Can we use online tools like Zoom, Google Meet, or Microsoft Teams to put partners together in a task force in each community? To bring social workers together from different counties? To bring parents together who need an outlet and community to help them cope? 8. What are some proactive measures that school systems can take right now that will help prevent child abuse and neglect while students stay home...potentially for several months? Helpful Links: https://dfcs.georgia.gov/ https://dfcs.georgia.gov/press-releases/2020-03-24/georgia-doedfcs-partner-encourage-families-use-student-tablets-access https://www.naeyc.org/our-work/families/behavior-and-development https://www.georgiainsights.com/coronavirus.html   Georgia's COVID-19 Hotline CENTEGIX Crisis-Alert System