Episode 9 - Melissa Lou, Delegate


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ALL IN Women Starters


ALLIN Women Starters Podcast is back and considering the global pandemic at the moment, we have decided to tweak the focus of our podcast a little, to feature a more universal view of how the current situation has affected female founders & investors across the world. Until things are back to normal, we will be featuring ladies hailing from several tech hubs across the world, from Singapore, Berlin, New York City, San Francisco and of course Mexico City to hear from their perspective on what's happening, ask them some questions about their business, and how their country is doing given the situation. This 1st episode under the COVID edition features my conversation with Melissa Lou, Founder, and CEO of Delegate, and a fellow Singaporean. Hear us chat about how her business has been affected, how she is helping other businesses at the same time and her efforts to keeping positive in these times.