Episode 98 - Crafting into the New Year


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Episode 98! Our first recording in 2021! J's having Charles Shaw's Organic Pinot Grigio and K's just having water after forgetting she only had one glass of her Louis Jadot Pinot Noir  left and she already drank it. This week we're catching up on projects we worked on over the holidays and the challenges we encountered. J had a productive holiday season, craft-wise, making several hats, a cowl, and starting a new amigirumi kit, while K enjoyed (but struggled a bit!) with the Christmas gift J gave her and also started a new commissioned cross-stitch project, leading to challenges with supplies at Michaels! K and J also both did substantial cooking/baking over the holiday. J's looking forward to actually having a trip planned in the future and K is happy to have completed a workout goal. Send us your listener whines/comments/questions for our 100th episode to wwkdpod@gmail.com! Rate and review us on Apple Podcasts!