ERE - Environment


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Transforming Teachers, Transforming Education

Education Rick discusses the first piece of the ERE framework, ENVIRONMENT. The idea is that everything we do as educators to shape our students’ outcomes can be categorized into one of these three areas: Environments, Relationships, and Experiences. Rick goes over the three key distinctions that educators need to think about in the physical environment that we provide for our students. First, Rick will walk you through what to look for when analyzing the OVERALL LAYOUT of your student’s space in your center or classroom. Second, he covers the idea that most of us don’t put a lot of thought into it, but it has probably the biggest effect on the subconscious mind of our students and that is the visual experience of our environments, the LOOK. Finally, Rick talks about what he likes to call LOCATION, or if you want to get technical the “Kinesthetic Coordination” of the environment.  So many times, we focus on the curriculum that we forget how important the environment is to the growth and development of children and youth. This video takes educators to the next phase of optimizing their environment for the students in their care.