Ethically Speaking


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We retell the News


Audience, welcome back to the world-wide broadcast of The Real Fake News®. This is the weekly Fireside Chat. We've got a great show for you today featuring music from our good friends, Venture Palace. We're talking about hate - where it comes from, how to deal with it, and what to focus on. We're talking about Nancy Pelosi tearing up the State of The Union and Mitt Romney doing things for his children. We're talking about the State of The Union Address, the super positive message, and the great guests invited by President Trump. We discuss the failed Democrat voting app, built by Shadow, Inc. (shady), and how the left fails at using technology. We talk about the results of the Iowa Caucus and how Elizabeth Warren would run the country if she were to win. Go out and vote, buy our products, support our sponsors, donate, and listen to "Ethically Speaking" right here on The Real Fake News®.