Explore Japan With Barrett Ishida


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Society & Culture

In this episode, we explore Japan and the city of Tokyo with Barrett Ishida. Barrett is a local living in Tokyo and he share some of his favorite places to explore in and around the city. He also share some off-the-beaten path adventures around Japan away from the super touristy places – a country that seems to be the perfect mix of the new as well as the traditional. From restaurants to outdoor spaces, Barrett take us on a beautiful adventure – right from the comfort of our homes. Barrett also shares some incredible images from all his adventures around Japan on our blog. Website: https://www.culturallyours.com Show Notes: https://culturallyours.com/podcast/explore-japan-with-barrett-ishida/ Episode Website: https://culturallyours.com/2021/02/23/explore-japan-with-barrett-ishida/