Fallacy of Feminism


Listens: 32


Society & Culture

Trigger Warning: Gender discrimination, strong language, sexual assault, rape. A movement that began with advocating for the rights of women on the ground of the equality of sexes for something as basic as exercising their franchise has come a long way. A movement that has evolved into different ideologies in the present time. From Mainstream Feminism to Post-Modern feminism to Socialist and Marxist feminism to Transfeminism there has been one thing common in the society at large which is the inability to understands, accept, and progress with many existing fallacies about this movement. Modern-Day Indians have different perspectives of what feminism is, some use this as a tool to fight the societal evil whereas some may use it as a weapon to incriminate the innocent. To shed light on recent events that have sparked controversies such as the #MeToo movement used by many women and men to call out sex offenders on social media on the flipside used by women and men as their pathway to getting fame on social media, the very recent 'bois locker room' chat which exposed the objectification of under-age girls, following this was the reveal of the Snapchat conversation wherein a girl had made a fake account to 'test' the boy if he falls of the gambit of raping another girl. Moreover, the suicide of a teenage boy after he was accused of raping a girl, wherein she took to social media talking about the incident. In this particular episode, we are looking to discuss such controversies, answering questions like; Do the ends justify the means? Has this become gender v. gender and not the people v. the problem? Have the words, feminism, and feminists been understood in a different manner by modern-day Indian Men and Women?