FASD Elephant™ #015: #FASD & Suicidality


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FASD Elephant™ Podcast & Blog

Kids & Family

FASD and Suicidality This podcast episode is an excerpt of my part speaking on a panel titled FASD and Suicidality at the 2011 IHS Action Summit for Suicide Prevention held in Scottsdale, AZ. Podcast Notes Here is the basic outline to my talk on the podcast: Be Aware Of Suicide Signs in Self and Others Be Connected to Self & Others Be Settled to connect to Self and Others Be Safe with Self and Others There are also two articles on FASD and suicide:Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and suicidality in a healthcare setting, by M.R. BaldwinSuicide attempts among adults with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: clinical considerations, by J.E. Huggins, T. Grant, K. O'Malley, A.P. Streissguth eNewsletter Sign-up for the Free Power Point Handout: If you would like a copy of the power point hand-out, please join my FASD News and Tips eNewsletter to receive an electronic download HERE If you like this podcast, please consider sharing it on Facebook, Twitter or by email with the convenient share buttons. Thank you! ~Michael Harris