Find the Light Podcast - Episode 1 - Frank Carter


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Find the Light


Frank Carter is a man that I have admired and respected for a long time. Initially it was for his music, more idolised than admired I guess, but  the more I got to speak to him, the more I respected him as a man.    He's the lead singer of the band The Rattlesnakes, he's a tattoo artist,  and through his lyrics always wears his heart on his sleeve.  I got to speak to him in the garden of his incredible tattoo studio Rose  of Mercy, as such the sound isn't studio quality, but to be honest, I  like the vibe even in the audio.  We talk about music, world politics,  psychology and even onto what it means to be alive.  Ladies and gentlemen, it's my absolute pleasure in the very first  episode of the Find the Light Podcast to give to you (and I can't  believe I'm saying this) Frank Carter. Enjoy!