Flawed Capitalism: The fastest way to Socialism


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Victor L Vogel: Coffee With Vic

News & Politics

The push for Socialism in 2019 is driven by out of control "Flawed Capitalism." See how Flawed Capitalism is destroying communities, families, and the character of leadership. It is obvious Americans made a mistake believing Flawed Capitalism is what the United States needed to change our government when they elected Donald Trump to lead our government. Coffee With Vic Facebook Page: https://Facebook.com/CoffeeWithVic Visit my YouTube Channel and subscribe and hit notifications: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDE6dMgy0HHNZ9tLF8QFMVg?view_as=public Then click on 'Playlist" then "Flawed Capitalism" to see all the videos in my series on Capitalism and Socialism. https://www.forbes.com/sites/patrickwwatson/2019/02/27/fake-capitalism-is-a-bigger-threat-than-socialism/#cce8b564f3f2 https://prospect.org/article/capitalism-work-and-character