FPI: L.A. Homelessness Parallels L.A. Riots, Northridge Earthquake, #RecallGarcetti


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Alex asks L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti to either step down or face a recall over his weak leadership on L.A.'s homeless crisis. talks about what it is like to live and work in Downtown Los Angeles surrounded by homelessness. About how the City of Los Angeles is no longer a safe or healthy place to live. She blames L.A.'s Mayor Eric Garcetti for the problem of chronic homelessness, calling out his weak leadership on the crisis. She also exposes how City Controller Ron Galperin pointed out finding of his audit of Proposition HHH, not one unit was built with the $1.2 billion in bond money. Prop. HHH is a 10-year program approved by voters to build 10,000 apartments units for the homeless of Los Angeles.