Free ways to cut the cost of your energy bills


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Ask the Estate Agent


While investing to go green can work, it may not be possible for everyone immediately. However, there are some habits you can change that will add up to saving both time and energy. Here are the top 11. 1. Switch off the lights One of the most obvious ways to cut your electricity bill is to switch off the lights as you leave a room. The Energy Saving Trust (EST) estimates you can save £15 a year with this one small action, so why not make it a habit? Estimated saving: £15 2. Cover floors and plug gaps Lack of insulation will only maintain cold temperatures, leading to a corresponding surge in heating bills. If you don’t have fitted carpets, use thick rugs on wooden floors to lock in warmth. While you’re at it, draught-proof your home with old towels under the doors and some sealant or tape on windows and skirting boards. The result will be a discount of around £85 on your energy bills. Estimated saving: £85 3. Nudge down your thermostat Turning down your thermostat by just a single degree can save up to £90 on your annual energy bill, according to the Energy Saving Trust. You’ll hardly notice the difference and it’s all money back in your wallet. Estimated saving: £90 4. Avoid using standby mode   When your household appliances aren’t in use, most automatically revert to standby, but this quietly drains energy. You can turn most electrical appliances off directly at the mains, saving yourself around £30 a year in the process. (Note however that digital TV or satellite recorders may need to be kept in standby to properly function.) Estimated saving: £30 5. Time your shower There’s nothing like a long, hot shower in winter. But, do you know how long you actually spend in there? Many of us even let the shower run for a minute or two before we hop under it. Cutting down your shower running time by just one minute will shave an easy £10 off your annual energy bill. And you can save a further £20 just by swapping one bath a week with a shower. Estimated saving: £30 6. Don’t leave the tap running when washing up Washing the dishes can be costly if you leave hot water running. So get into the habit of filling up the sink with hot suds instead. And if you have a dishwasher, don’t press go until it’s full. Estimated saving £15 7. Fill the kettle with what you need How many times a day do you fill up your kettle for tea? And do you fill it all the way every time? It’s estimated that three-quarters of all British households are in the habit of overfilling the kettle. By heating up just the right amount of water you need, you could knock another £7 off your annual energy bill. Estimated saving: £7 8. Switch to a cheaper energy supplier Your current energy provider may not be the cheapest, which means it could pay to switch. It’s important to do your research first, though. Read the fine print on your existing contract to find out if there’s a cancellation penalty. When you are free to leave, use a comparison service to find the best deal for your circumstances. Estimated saving: £403 9. Slide silver foil behind your radiator Putting silver foil down the back of radiators reflects heat back into the room and prevents its escape through the walls. Get the best fit by wrapping foil around pieces of cardboard and simply sliding it behind the radiator. (Note you won’t need to turn this trick if you already have cavity wall insulation.) Estimated saving: £15 10. Leave your oven door open after...