FREEDOM....brings independence and interdependence


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Religion & Spirituality

BUZZARDSKORNER OF LOVE RADIO 4pmPAC/7pmEST right herehttp://www, scroll down to radio page!  Angels sign up for our FREE monthly newsletter, start or end your day positively with a blog reading or past podcast show and please share with others! Download our E-book 8 Easy Steps To Improve Your Life Now as well as so much more all at Angels with Independence Day happening we are going to speak about FREEDOM of your consciousness. We talk about BEING FREE yet what about BEING FREE in our thoughts, feelings, and emotions? I will share with you my experience of that and there is no better time than Indpendence Week! As you celebrate this 4th of July Angels go within and ask yourself How FREE AM I? Are you weighted down with shame, guilt, sorrow, the past? or are you truly FREE? BUZZARDSKORNER OF LOVE RADIO bringing people back to themselves