FRIDAY RELEASE - October 19th - thudumbu masters, kannarapalayam


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Uramili Project


Great to have started travelling again after almost ten months. apologies once again for not putting up anything for the past month. we got a bit busy with our shows in bangalore and then with packing and then finally with travelling. we decided to travel around in tamilnadu to begin with. the first place we visited was Kannarapalayam (very close to mettupalayam at the base of the nilgiris). we spent a few days here filming with a group of thudumbu players. the kids here are used to seeing the grown up men rehearsing and performing for festivals and temple functions. they are not allowed to touch the thudumbu, so they practice on paint box covers, plastic bottles, plastic plates etc. the group we filmed with used to practice on slates that they used in school, that is before they were deemed fit to touch the instrument. and for those of your concerned about the mike, dont worry it survived. FRIDAY RELEASE is an endeavour to share raw footage from the u-ra-mi-li project. We'd like to give you a sample of the kind of stories we have and are looking for; some of these stories may make their way into the final film, others won't. Do tell us what you like, what you don't, what links you see between different kinds of music or visuals, what you've seen before, or what the clip reminds you of. To know more about the u-ra-mi-li project or to contribute, see