Funding Doula Services, Climate Change Challenge Fund, and Heather Scoffield


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Labrador Morning from CBC Radio Nfld. and Labrador (Highlights)


We hear from Andrea O'Brien of Heritage NL about a program showcasing domestic workers as "exceptional people from the past" in this province. Mike Power worked for the CBC in Lab West for decades before retiring. The family of CBC's Mike Power has come up with a way to honour him after his death this fall. We catch up with his brother Paul to hear what they have planned. Reconnecting the old-fashioned way. We hear from Anne Roane Sheldon, the creator of the Newfoundland Labrador Adoptees Facebook page, about why finding loved ones should not necessarily use the science of DNA. Doulas provide emotional and physical support to mothers during pregnancy, as well as during labour and delivery. Today we hear why an Inuk woman who is working toward becoming a certified birth doula says the Nunatsiavut Government should seek funding to cover doula services. Abigail Webb joins us. Have an idea to reduce greenhouse gas emissions? There are millions of dollars available for you to apply for. We speak with Minister Bernard Davis about the Climate Change Challenge Fund. Have you been experiencing some memory issues lately? It turns out the pandemic has impacted how we catalogue our memories. We speak with memory expert Mariam Aly about this phenomenon. Finally, an ongoing protest in downtown Ottawa is happening at the same time the House of Commons starts its first sitting of the year. Hear how this is playing out on the federal stage when we're joined by The Toronto Star's Heather Scoffield.