Funfiltered Episode #052 - "Islamophobic Couch Potatoes"


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Sam "speaking."This episode was recorded over a month ago. Therefore, it is on you to infer the acute insight and scathing commentary that would have attended such hot-button issues as the fall of Afghanistan, the failed recall of Gavin Newsom, the death of Michael K. Williams, summat inevitably Covid-y and the new Matrix trailer.Actually, it can essentially be condensed to "Well, how fucking horrible." But we would have been stalwart and summoned the backbone to admirably, impossibly, SOMEHOW laugh through it all. Have to, don't you?The image of "summoning a backbone" is rather lurid. I could cut it, I'm not actually talking to you in real-time. But then I'd lose the opportunity to fill more space and, since the Über-Clammy Sardine-Huddle on the 20:24 Train from Cardiff to Pontypridd on 23/07/2017, that's something I promised myself to never again allow.But yeah, summoning a backbone. Either one starts out as a flaccid invertebrate, into whom a bony column is forcibly wedged (simmer down) or otherwise an already-existent spine advances arduously, not to mention unbearably painfully, through one's innardy goop.So let's forget I ever said that.I honestly can't remember what Jordan and I talked about on this here episode because when you keep notes, read the notes and then start keeping notes for the next ep, memory becomes a thing of the past. Memory's a memory. Plus, Jordan edits it.Oh, we argue. I remember that. Not the specifics, but the red frenzy of rage.Do you like us? Because that's probably going to be a prerequisite for listening. I don't know why you'd listen if you didn't like us... perhaps to satiate a masochistic impulse. I'm not going to pretend that I like the idea of that but I can't honestly say that I blame you either. I mean, you might concentrate your energies elsewhere, but the contempt itself... that I can't reasonably counter. And one more listener is one more listener at the end of the day, be that listener a friend that plays the podcast in the background to humour us from a distance, a venomous detractor indulging in virtual self-flagellation, plotting, identifying our weaknesses, or... yeah. A third type.