Future of Business: When Connected Things Surpass Connected People


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Future of Business with Game Changers, Presented by SAP


The buzz: I vant to be alone. -Garbo. Not! Did you hear the one about the major connectivity company that connected more 'new things to things' than 'new people to people'? As the Art of the Possible instantaneously connects innovative devices with people, processes and results, the lines between professional and personal blur more. Who is driving the IoT digital innovation bus – business, academia, government, individuals? Where is the bus heading? Are we ready to mass-adopt a fully digital world? The experts speak. Gary Nelson, SAP: 'There is no digital strategy anymore. Just strategy in a digital world' -Bud Caddell. Sharon Naidu, SAP: 'We are looking at a society increasingly dependent on machines, yet decreasingly capable of making or even using them effectively' -Douglas Rushkoff. Bill Newman, SAP: 'One thing I can tell you is you got to be free. Come together right now over me' -The Beatles. Join us for Future of Business: When Connected Things Surpass Connected People.