GAME FART #18 - The Adventure Games Special - What the Fuck is an Adventure Game?


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FASNASTIC: Game Fart - The Best Farting & Video Games Podcast in the UK. Maybe.


GAME FART is BACK after a quick hiatus! What are "Adventure Games"? Are they Monkey Island type point and clicks? Red Dead type action games? Tomb Raider type platformers? WipeOut HD?! It turns out, nobody actually knows. So we just talk about anything and everything, with a heavy emphasis on funny accents, as per-usual. Enjoy us this week as we tackle THE GOOD, THE UGLY, and forget to do THE BAD, as it's time for THE GAME FART ADVENTURE GAME SPECIAL! # GOOD Fart - LucasArts Point & Clicks - Thumbleweed Park # UGLY Fart - Monkey Island 4 # Gets a Mention - Fart Face McGee - Game Fart Intro Music - What is an Adventure Game? - Go on an Adventure Today? - An Adventure for a Fat Girl - Uncharted - Metal Gear Solid - Red Dead Redemption - Grand Theft Auto - The definition of an adventure - Non-Stop Italian Adventures - What is Racist to Americans? - Top of the racist food chain - You cant racist UP. You can only racist DOWN. - LucasArts Games - Tomb Raider: Rise of the Fingers (an action adventure game) - Can you agree with a disagree? - Sam & Max Hit the Road - The Telltale Jurassic Park Game - Need for Speed - FallOut 4 - SimCity - WWE Games - Everybody's Gone to the Rapture - Mist - No Mans Sky - Borderlands - Drawn to Death - Little Big Planet - Super Mario 3D World - Fifa - Pirates don't get fingered - Uncharted 2, 3, and 4 wasn't an adventure - WipeOut HD - Monkey Island games - Day of the Tentacle - Myst - Mindmaze (from Encarta 95) - Thimbleweed Park bugs - Escape Rooms - Yooka Laylee (+ Patch) - Grim Fandango - Winnie the Poo - Britannica Encyclopaedias - Tom Hanks - LOST - Guinness World Records - Guinness Beer - Michelin Stars & Tyers - Ridleys Believe it or Not - AIDS - - Name changes - Alec Guiness - Tom Cruise - Brad Pitt - Jim Carrey - Jordan Misfud - Funny Accents - Leisure Suit Larry - Grand Theft Auto - Seriously - What is an Adventure Game?!? - Al, my gay mate - No Mans Sky - Game Fart is Relaxed / and / or / shit - Do Adventure Games even exist? # FARTMAIL / POST SHOW - Welly Welsh Willie Introduction - Welsh People - Camp Guys Fifa Gang Bang - Duke Nukem World Tour Event coming soon - Nobody is playing Killzone # Follow us at... # Give us a call UK: +44 115 824 5042 USA: +1 480-470-8943 This podcast is brought to you by FASNASTIC LTD. in the UK and intended to be listened to on the train to work, or in bed for some falling asleep background noise.