Gary Mula, producer


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Liner Notes with Emily Ann Peterson


This episode features Gary Mula, the co-producer and audio engineer for my latest release, Covered in Clover. I came to him looking for a safe person to try out my ideas. He was an absolute joy to work with and I highly recommend working with him to anyone looking for an experience (co)producer with an ample amount of experience in the Seattle music scene. In today's episode, we discussed what that working relationship was like, how it was to bring in so many musicians for this album, how the Seattle music scene has changed (or not changed), and what our various new projects look like now that almost 5 years have passed since we recorded these tracks!  Please go take a minute to visit his website and check out his other projects. I'm so glad you get to meet him and get to know him more today! ___________ Never Miss an Episode! Join Emily Ann's Inner Circle: