Genesis 40


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Engaging the Bible Daily Podcast

Religion & Spirituality

A podcast designed to help you engage with the Bible daily! Each day, we begin with a reading assignment, designed to take no longer than a few minutes. Then a few minutes of thoughts, comments and questions follow, to help you more fully engage with the text, and to consider throughout the day or to help you begin journaling. It's not the intent to be exhaustive in covering everything, or even to tell you what you should think about a given text. The main idea is to give you a starting point to begin thinking through and engaging with the text yourself, whether you a seasoned Bible student, or this is your first time reading the Bible. The reading selections are kept purposefully small, to make it as easy as possible to develop the discipline of regular Bible reading, and more importantly Bible engaging! It also helps make it possible to catch up if you fall behind a few days. March 13, 2017: Genesis 40 While Joseph is in jail, the Pharaoh's cupbearer and baker are thrown into jail as well. Both servants of the Pharaoh have dreams that trouble them, and Joseph interprets the dreams through God. Joseph predicts the cupbearer will be restored to his position in three days, and that the baker will be executed in three days. Everything happens as Joseph says, but the cupbearer forgets about Joseph, and Joseph remains in jail. Question to consider: * How does Joseph, even at this stage in his life, still remain a believer and faithful to God?