Getting "bent": Dive Emergencies


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After the Call


Key Points: What is Decompression Sickness (DCS) and what causes it? Assessments are crucial in determining DCS. DCS can be difficult to identify. Use your resources such as dive buddies, dive watches/computers, as well as the Divers Alert Network (1-919-684-9111). Understand common symptoms such as a rash, joint pain and fatigue as well as the average time of onset for symptoms.AGE (arterial gas embolism) and CAGE (cerebral arterial gas embolism) signs, symptoms and treatment. Immersion Pulmonary Edema (Onset and treatment)Treatment of DCS after recognition (Oxygen, fluids, NSAIDS, recompression therapy)Transport ConsiderationsResources:Dr. Christopher Logue (Hyperbaric Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania) lecture on DCS. Divers Alert Network (The Bends)