Getting Visible with Video with Livestream Expert & Empirenista Founder Alicia Henderson


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Spirit of 608: Fashion, Entrepreneurship, Sustainability + Tech


If you’ve ever stressed about live video — or any video content for that matter — you need to listen to today’s episode with Alicia Henderson of Empirenista and the Video Visibility with Alicia Show. That’s because she’s bringing us her completely down-to-earth and no BS approach to video content and why it’s time to get over your fears and hesitations and use this ultra-powerful way of communicating to reach new audiences and grow today. In her work with female entrepreneurs, Alicia helps women get comfortable using video in a way that highlights their expertise and grows their business. Oh and p.s. she is not about to let you drop the ball because “today’s not a day I feel like doing my make-up.” Oh no, just wait for her five-minute face tip. It’s gold! Listen in for Alicia’s own journey to becoming a go-to expert for women in business who want to stand on video, as well as her tips and advice for showing up and feeling comfortable in videos so you can create the growth, impact and visibility you are here for.