Go Ahead And Give it a Slurp—Breaking Dawn Chapter 13: Good Thing I've Got a Strong Stomach


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Remember Twilight?


The Cullens get Bella her first drink of human blood, and honestly she loves it.  She's doing much better after feeding the baby what it wants, so Jacob goes to take a much needed nap, when he is confronted by pack members of the past. Join Emily and Maren on this week's episode of Remember Twilight while we work through wolf problems and try not to look at our friend's junk.  Shop our Merch Store! Etsy.com/shop/RememberTwilight Follow the podcast on Facebook Facebook.com/RememberTwilightPodcast and Instagram Instagram.com/RememberTwilightPodcast Email Maren and Emily at RememberTwilightPodcast@gmail.com Leave a Voice Message! Anchor.fm/RememberTwilight/Message You can also join the Remember Twilight? Patreon for even more Twilight Talk and exclusive content! https://www.patreon.com/RememberTwilight Theme song covered by Cherish Varlack and written by Will Saxton. Thank you so much for listening, see you next Sunday!