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Green Organic Gardener Podcast


Go BIG And Go GREEN! Tell your senators today! EASY Phone call. https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm https://videopress.com/v/E4zWhD7r?preloadContent=metadata https://mikesgreengarden.files.wordpress.com/2021/08/img_8875.jpg () The https://www.sunrisemovement.org/ (Sunrise Movement) and Elizabeth Warren among others make the case for including child care, college and crucial research in the infrastructure bill. We can move our country forward. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE call your senators and tell them GO BIG and GO GREEN and pass the trillion dollar infrastructure bill. Check out the https://greennewcareers.org/ (Sunrise Career Quiz) today. We can grow the USA GDP by putting people back to work and helping moms around the country with child care. We have to include social justice infrastructure in this bill too. We can do this but not without YOUR HELP!!! Please republican, democrat, tell your senators PASS THE INFRASTRUCTURE BILL! Mother EARTH will thank you! Take the Sunrise Movement Careers Quiz here: https://greennewcareers.org/ Go BIG And Go GREEN! Tell your senators today! EASY Phone call. https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm https://videopress.com/v/E4zWhD7r?preloadContent=metadata https://mikesgreengarden.files.wordpress.com/2021/08/img_8875.jpg () The https://www.sunrisemovement.org/ (Sunrise Movement) and Elizabeth Warren among others make the case for including child care, college and crucial research in the infrastructure bill. We can move our country forward. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE call your senators and tell them GO BIG and GO GREEN and pass the trillion dollar infrastructure bill. Check out the https://greennewcareers.org/ (Sunrise Career Quiz) today. We can grow the USA GDP by putting people back to work and helping moms around the country with child care. We have to include social justice infrastructure in this bill too. We can do this but not without YOUR HELP!!! Please republican, democrat, tell your senators PASS THE INFRASTRUCTURE BILL! Mother EARTH will thank you! Take the Sunrise Movement Careers Quiz here: https://greennewcareers.org/ This is JackieMarie Beyer your host here to help inspire you on your journey to create, grow and enjoy a GREEN organic oasis. 18s JackieMarie Beyer So hey listeners, I just really, really, really want to encourage you to call your senators no matter what state you're in and say, Go Big, Go GREEN and pass the infrastructure bill. They need to hear from you. If you're a Democrat, they need to hear from you. If you're a Republican, they really need to hear from you. Just, it's so easy. Just pick up your phone, say Siri dial or whoever's phone. Your thing is just like, I promise you, they are not going to be mean. They're not going to be upset. It takes like 10 seconds. Call Congress, get them to pass this infrastructure bill. I've done so much reading this year. 59s JackieMarie Beyer https://amzn.to/3jvRZlm https://mikesgreengarden.files.wordpress.com/2021/08/persist.jpg () You know, https://amzn.to/3jvRZlm (Elizabeth Warren) makes a great case for why childcare needs to be included in the infrastructure bill, because we can't, you know, so many women need childcare to help them get a decent job, to help them go to work. Especially as we're headed back into another school year with parents worried about, are my kids going to be home? Is, you know, school gonna get canceled? Am I going to have to worry about leaving my kids home alone? Who's going to watch my kids. Our growth as a nation will grow. There is evidence that proves when women enter the workforce, our overall GDP grows and just our planet is crying out. 1m 47s JackieMarie Beyer I cannot help, but feel that Mother Earth is sending this pandemic to give us all a slow down. And you know, so many people are gardening this year because of it. And I think that's helping and just, I really feel like she's saying, Hey, you know, look at the fires, look at the intense Support this podcast