Go in Peace -11- with Perrine - on Confession -on Feast of the Transfiguration - Totus2us


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Go in Peace


Perrine, from France: "This is a feeling that remained a long time in my heart. I always had this fear because I think that I didn’t really encounter God at that time, I didn't know that Jesus was a complete loving God, that he was all goodness and he wanted me to be good also and beautiful. And then one day I realised it and this feeling of fear disappeared and it was transformed also by time. Then one day I kind of realised that I wanted to go to confession, this is something I wanted because I knew that behind the priest was God, was Jesus and Jesus loved me. .. I'm always moved by this experience. I know that I'm weak, I know that I still do things wrong, but I know that God loves me and he wants me to be better and he will help me doing that and confession is that." Track: 'Fighting the Lukewarm Cold' by Joe Zambon. Visit Totus2us.com for much more - dedicated to Our Lady, it is inspired by our holy fathers St John Paul II, Papa Benedict XVI and Pope Francis. Totus Tuus (All Yours) was JPII's motto to Our Lady - Mary is also everything to us, Totus2us.