“God Is Moving Me Forward” Psalm 107


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Westminster Calvary Chapel

Religion & Spirituality

Psalm 107 is a Psalm that looks backward into the failure of Israel's history with an eye on how to move forward Out of the set-backs of sin. Some have said this Psalm was written to remind and & motivate people to keep the faith BY continuing to praise God, because He delivers, restores, & heals His followers. So, from my point of view, Psalm 107 is a real-life picture of walking with the Lord through different life-changing struggles! Weekly bulletin: https://mailchi.mp/0412f345e2f4/t7eysc6qau Online Campus: www.westminstercalvary.online.church Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/westminstercalvary/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/westmincalvary/ Support the mission: https://www.westminstercalvary.org/home/online-giving/ Become a Christian: https://app.easytithe.com/App/Form/b11acbf2-c211-4a10-8d49-3bad8871953e Prayer Request: https://westminstercalvary.churchcenter.com/people/forms/37128 #ChurchOnline #DoingMyPartCO #WestminsterCO #DenverCO #NonDenominationalChurch #CalvaryChapel #CGN #ChristianLiving #Hope #StayHome #WithMe #StrongerTogether #BusinessUnusual #CalvaryAtHome #SocialDistancing #AtHome #WeCanGetThroughThis #WeCare #StayAtHome #SaferAtHome #Westminster #WeLoveCO #Community #JesusSavesBro #Westminster #Fear #Anxiety #NewYearNewYou #2021 #HopeInAHostileWorld #1Peter