Good And Healthy Relationship With Yourself - Lisa Mitten


Listens: 5

Coach Professionally


In this engaging podcast episode, Mike interviews Lisa Mitten, a self-image coach, to explore the journey of personal transformation and self-improvement.

Lisa candidly shares her own experiences, revealing how she overcame self-doubt and imposter syndrome by delving into personal development and discovering the power of self-belief. She offers insights into the challenges she faced on her path to change and emphasizes the importance of seeking support from therapists and coaches for personal growth.

Lisa's coaching journey began as she realized her passion for helping others succeed in their careers and personal lives. She specializes in working with women, focusing on enhancing their self-belief, confidence, and self-image. Mike and Lisa delve into the vital role self-improvement plays in every aspect of life, whether in one's career or relationships.

Through personal stories and client transformations, Lisa illustrates the profound positive impact that self-image coaching can have on individuals. Her clients experience growth, newfound confidence, and the ability to use their voices effectively, both personally and professionally.

As the conversation unfolds, Lisa and Mike explore the fundamental concept that personal transformation starts with self-improvement and the relationship one has with oneself. Lisa highlights how building a strong, healthy self-relationship can lead to improved career prospects, better relationships, and personal growth.

Listeners are treated to inspirational stories of clients who experienced remarkable transformations in their lives, making this episode a must-listen for anyone seeking self-improvement and self-empowerment.

Tune in to this enlightening podcast as Lisa Mitten shares her journey and insights into the world of self-image coaching, offering valuable advice and motivation for those on their own transformational journeys.

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