Good leadership is knowing that trust is actually an emotion, guest Philipp Kristian


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What does trust mean in business? At a foundational emotive level humans react in the same way to the world. So, trust is actually an emotion. Lot of people think of it as a moral or ethics as it gets rationalised in that way. However, as a deciding factor it is an emotion. What this means is that trust is shaping our lives just as other emotions are also shaping our lives. The hint here is that emotions are very important in our social lives and so is trust because it is allowing us to create connection, cooperation and as a result of that collaboration. Trust is the social foundation of the magic of humanity. Whether they show that in their behaviour or not people want to be trusted. We are wired to trust.  The question is how much trust is too much? The reality is that there is a sort of balance that needs to be achieved. We seek reciprocity in our relationships, and it applies to trust as well. Trust is a very strong variable of influence, and it can be used in various forms.  Trust is a catalyst for change. It's the required ingredient in innovating, changing, and transforming. Trust here relates to our own abilities and in the abilities and competencies of others. As humans we are geared for equitable distribution. However, when you make it all about just an interaction then the equitable bit goes out. This is currently playing out in the global economy as we can see. As an individual we often think what difference can I make. This is where self-trust becomes important. The act of trusting ourselves can and does have a huge influence on the lives of people around us and we're not even aware of it.  Trust is a beautiful force of self-actualisation and the foundation of a fulfilled existence. Our emotions are very strong drivers and at times we don't even know or realise why they are driving us. Then there's rationalisation. With trust the rationalisation is about doing the right thing. Leading to being trustworthy. That's a cognitive process. Being trusted is an emotive process. Trust is not an absolute. It operates on a spectrum. Everyone starts a different point where trust is concerned. It comes down to balancing that feeling in relevance to the context of what one needs trust. Often, without realising, as people we are at the mercy of our emotions.  The new book 'Reset' is a story about how businesses can now be embracing a different scenario. It's about two types of companies. The type A kind of company who realises this is a moment of opportunity with regards to understanding there is an urgency driving important transformations. Where there's urgency these types of companies are making necessary changes and in 5-10 years these companies will be thriving. The other is the type B company. This type of company sees the pandemic as an inconvenience. Ending up doing the bare minimum to wait out and go back to what and how they were operating before. These kinds of companies are missing out on reinvention and delivering on innovation and transformation that they have been talking about. These types of companies will be seeing a drop all around in the next 5-10 years’ time. Philipp can be contacted at (