Government policy and wellbeing


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What's wellbeing got to do with it?


This episode features interviews with:Ed Whiting, Director of Strategy at Wellcome TrustBefore joining Wellcome in September 2016, Ed worked in a number of Whitehall social and financial policy departments, including HM Treasury’s financial stability team during the 2008-09 financial crisis. He was most recently at 10 Downing Street as Deputy Principal Private Secretary to the Prime Minister, leading on public services.As part of his role, Ed is also the Executive Leadership Team sponsor of Wellcome’s policy function, strategic partnerships and mental health priority area. Deborah Hardoon, Head of Evidence, What Works Centre for WellbeingDeborah leads the centre’s research, heads a team with evaluation and analytical expertise and is responsible for the centre’s evidence approach and standards. An economist by background, she was previously Deputy Head of Research at Oxfam GB, and Research Manager at Transparency International, responsible for the global corruption measurement tools, including the Corruption Perceptions Index.John Pullinger was the National Statistician for the United Kingdom, serving in this role from 1 July 2014 until retiring on 30 June 2019.Margreet Frieling is a sociologist and principal analyst with KOATA Insights. She has worked as a senior analyst at both Stats NZ and the Treasury. Within these roles, Margreet has developed conceptual frameworks for a wide range of wellbeing constructs and researched best practice approaches for measurement, as well as undertaken research projects.Margreet has a strong background in measurement and statistics. Her work over the last ten years has focused on the conceptualisation and measurement of wellbeing within a public policy setting. Key areas of focus have included social capital and social connectedness, Māori wellbeing, subjective wellbeing, civic and cultural engagement, health, and housing outcomes.