086: Grace – A Crowdfunding Road Trip starring an Ice Cream Truck


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Beers, Blokes and Business - blokes drinking beer talking business


Scott is ready to launch his crowdfunding campaign for Grace.  It was an adventure to get his ice cream truck down to Melbourne  from the GC and not quite the Chef Movie road trip he'd planned. Grab some some popcorn and put your feet up. Here is what we learned from this podcast Scott's motivation for running a crowd funding campaign How Scott plans to attract supporters for the Grace restoration The reasoning behind targeting the wedding market & structuring pledge & rewards levels. How Instagram has been a vital marketing tool Insights behind the scenes of Uber's Ice Cream day How Gumtree and Instagram can help you attract millennial workers How you can pre order some Grace ice cream love at a discount during the campaign. Some insights & links from this podcast Find out more about Grace at VintageIceCreamTruck.com Check out Scott's Pinterest boards for Ice Cream Trucks Mick Russell videographer & rainmaker. Other BBB episodes you might be interested in Rick Chen from Pozible on crowd funding iTunes reviews - 76 listeners have left an iTunes review for the podcast - THANK YOU read them all here  Got a question? Tweet the Blokes or  @BeersBlokesBiz Let us know in the comments or on Twitter @BeersBlokesBiz or on Facebook with your opinion. Follow @VintageIceCreamTruck on Instagram https://instagram.com/p/6SBXIxrdu7/ Can't be a road trip without a Big something. https://instagram.com/p/5kyopdLdmX/ https://instagram.com/p/5jqrG0rduN/?taken-by=vintageicecreamtruck https://instagram.com/p/5enmjdLdot/?taken-by=vintageicecreamtruck Testing the instagram waters for interest & action. https://instagram.com/p/4Y3-moLdl_/?taken-by=vintageicecreamtruck Turning fans into a contributing community. https://instagram.com/p/4T3WxALdp0/ The Vogue regram (75K likes) bought 1K followers to @VintageIceCreamTruck overnight. https://instagram.com/p/3Jymnvv6-a/ Wanting blue sky, bikinis & board shorts as a backdrop. End the rainmakers Mick & Scott. https://instagram.com/p/2FpDjqrdtX/ Connect with these Blokes The blokes on this podcast were: @seancallanan from Sports Geek and SeanCallanan.com, and Sports Geek Podcast @ScottKilmartin from OnlineStoreGuys.com.au and Short Batch and VintageIceCreamTruck.com and interviewing ecom success stories at Melbourne event OnlineOffline.co. Thanks for review Relevant & Informative Opened my mind to new ways of pricing my services and what value based pricing means as opposed to fixed fees for services. Both are fixed as opposed to time based but value requires consideration/ influence of customer perception, fixed just caps services. Context is not just part of pricing but is part of the product/ value. Personally a lot of the concepts/ strategies were intuitive to me rather than ones I knew about so it was good to understand the theory behind my application. I haven't listened to your other shows but I was really engaged. It's not condescending and it is informative.  Chase Legal Join the BBB Army Are you on Facebook?  Like BBB here and join the BBB Army Facebook group to chat with guests and listeners. Download episode below but we'd prefer you to subscribe in iTunes, Stitcher, Soundcloud or this feed if you don't use iTunes. Don't forget you can get these show notes via email subscription. Click Here to BBB via email Let us know your thoughts in the comments