GUMBO Lagniappe 22 - Interview: The Color of Nursing by Author Erin Johnson, BSN, RN


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Gumbo Education Nurse Practitioners CEUs Podcast


The Color of Nursing - Paperback Erin started her path in Nursing after initially FAILING nursing classes due to lack of focus and lack of discipline. Married at 21 years of age, and a new child on the way, she was compelled to get out of her own way and grow up! While on a waiting list to enroll in a different undergraduate nursing program, she decided to enroll in a Licensed Practical Nurse Program and worked as a nursing assistant until graduation. She worked 8 years as a LPN thinking that going back to school yet again was out of her reach. With a defaulted student loan and barely enough money for gas to travel to take the entrance exam, she received the call within 48 hours with notification of passing the exam and was accepted into Alcorn State University. Now with a 3 hour daily commute, no way to pay for school and a less than supportive work supervisor, she realized that the negative talk from others and herself was only background noise and used that negativity as fuel to press forward. There is more to this wonderful story of success. Email Erin at Find the Book on Amazon by clicking the link Below: The Color of Nursing by Erin Johnson, BSN, RN Sharing knowledge and educating those in the community for a healthier stronger safer community. MOTTO: GUMBO We'll teach your Grandma, Uncles, Mama, Brothers, and Others (GUMBO) The book is complete.  It was written to help raise money for the Non-profit. "Casey and the Crawfish" will be sold starting in January 2019. Everyone can purchase from Or try the Kindle Edition from Amazon BULLYING PREVENTION FOR NURSES - A REAL SOLUTION: CONTACT HOURS WILL BE AWARDED: Juneteenth Workshop Discount Thanks again for your support.