Halloween Special!


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Join Pip and Moosh as they celebrate the Spooky Season by making SPOOKY PIZZAS! All the while categaraging some classic monsters (plus Scooby Doo monsters plus Tim Burton characters) by their boi and their shoulders, telling their favorite spooky stories (or attempting to), and sharing some spooky laughs! WE KNOW. WE'RE TWO DAYS LATE. BUT IT'S IN THE NAME OF HALLOWEEN. Why is this being posted two days late? Well, friends, it's because not only did we make a Halloween podcast BUT, we also FILMED IT! Want to see some bonus content from our pizza making adventure? Wonder what all of Moosh's weird facial expressions could possibly be? Curious to see Pip's new kitchen, and the spooky pizzas themselves? Head over to our YOUTUBE CHANNEL where we've posted our Bonus Halloween Video! Halloween Video: https://player.whooshkaa.com/episode?id=298841Twitter: @PAMMAPPodcat PAMMAP Podcat uploads a new episode every single Monday! Make sure to subscribe so you don't miss a beat in the weird lives and conversations of Pip & Moosh, and while you're at it be sure to rate and review! We'll talk to you next week!