Happy Holidays! How HRO helps Santa and the Elves Deliver Joy


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Practical HRO: Optimizing Risk Management using High Reliability Organizing


Every year, Santa is called upon to deliver the goods. This gripping expose' gives insight into the behind the scenes at the North Pole. In a slight tongue-in-check episode, we offer a collection of different HRO changes to consider, using Santa and his workshop to get you thinking outside of the toy box.Practically speaking, HRO is hard.  There is so much to consider and the  challenge of knowing what effort makes the most sense first can seem as daunting as the mall the day before Christmas. Well, sit back, grab a hot cocoa and some cookies and listen to how Jolly Ole Santa Claus has built a High Reliability holiday juggernaut and give some thought to what to ask Santa for Christmas.This is the season finale for this year. Many of you might be looking at some form of High Reliability implementation in the New Year and like many leaders are having a hard time identifying what’s your next (or first) step. I hope you enjoy today's season finale and all of this years episodes. Thanks to all the listeners and followers for helping grow our podcast this year. Next year is already taking shape.  Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!