Healing limiting beliefs, mindset with the Akashic records; and intuitive sales with Kyley Caldwell


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Dare You to Move


Kyley Caldwell is a mother to two small children, co-host of the Hello Universe podcast, a healer, an Akashic Records reader, and a coach for those ready to transform their lives and fulfill their soul’s purpose.  When her son was one years old, she had a profound turning point. She knew she needed to find a way to take care of her heart and manage the fear and anxiety that had taken over her life, or she was going to simply miss the living of her own life. With that decision, her life-long curiosity about spirituality became a driving force. She followed the pings to pursue yoga and mindfulness practices, she read everything she could find, and listened to the wise spiritual teachers that are her children. She eventually found the Akashic Records, and her life was forever changed. She found a way to tap directly into the profound healing and wisdom of infinite divine love, whenever and wherever she needed. Who doesn’t want that? These days her healing practice is centered around supporting the reunification of our souls’ fragments and the rewriting of limiting beliefs through the Akashic Records. This work will change your life. Her house is old, full of sunlight, and always messy. The ocean is her best medicine. Tea is her favorite drink—Irish breakfast with a little milk. She has far too many books, and few things feel as sacred as dance parties with her children. In this episode: Community and sharing businesses through Facebook groups, scarcity mindset Limiting beliefs, figuring out what type of Reader she wanted to beWhat the akashic records are and how she does them differentlyHer journey is sales, after her kids were born it cracked her open spirituallyWhen she started her business, she made $1 in 10 months Use to sell for her career – managed a 22-person team and sold millions of dollars a yearHer children being intuitive Mindset to money, and mindset tools and healing her limiting beliefsHow her past lives were connecting to her limiting beliefs in this lifetime Getting help from other healer’s ones that you feel so drawn tooConspiracy theory soap box and healing the collective – racism, sexist beliefs, it’s deep in our core – it’s our responsibility to healIntuitive sales and marketing – feeling the need to convince others and not having boundaries are problems with salesHer sales coaching programDon’t forget to have fun while during self-development workResources Website: https://www.akashicgrace.orgInstagramhttps://www.instagram.com/kyleycaldwell/https://www.instagram.com/hellouniversepod/Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/260493878275233/user/100039028770647/https://www.facebook.com/groups/260493878275233https://www.facebook.com/groups/595728181080382 - akashic soul circle group – free intuitive sales master class in here!  https://www.instagram.com/dareyoutomove_podcast_/