Heart Alignment


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Religion & Spirituality

The heart is like a garden and you are responsible to care for it. You have to remove the stones and the weeds. You have to plant the seeds and water them. Your heart can grow compassion or fear, resentment or love, joy or bitterness. When the heart is misaligned it produces weeds that choke the life out of us. Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Your life is determined by the state of your heart. The beliefs in our heart effect every decision we make. They establish your choices and will ultimately determine your lifestyle. Heart issues also determine the kind of people we attract. The people you INVITE into your life carry their issues with them. Unresolved issues always manifest in unhealthy ways. When you get married you either go into the relationship with resolved issues or lots of baggage. Everything that’s unresolved in your life will always emerge to the surface. These issues are always running somewhere in the background of your mind and manifest by an emotional trigger. The trigger activates feelings of anger, sadness, fear or shame. However, God wants to give us a heart alignment. He wants to repair the brokenness, and heal every wound. He wants the garden of our heart to be made whole, so that it produces a bountiful harvest.