Hell and High Water by Aysha Zackria


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DTC Radio


Five years in the future...As greenhouse gases accumulate and global warming reaches new heights, string instruments are consistently flat and trumpets are unable to reach the low end of their range. Franklin, a violin maker and climate change denier, refuses to reengineer his instruments or his perspective. Faced with significant criticism from his customers and the subsequent jeopardy his livelihood, will he still ignore reality? Written by Aysha Zackria. Directed by Sara Elizabeth Grant. Starring Beverly Blanchett, Sara Elizabeth Grant, Murphy Hayes, Stephen Hedger, Wally Lurz, Renee Elizabeth Turner, and Jenna Wyatt. Sound engineering and editing by Tyler Grimes. Sound design and original music by Spencer Robelen. Play development by Tyler Grimes. Artwork by Emanuela Brumana. dtc radio Theme Music by Spencer Robelen. All other sounds used with permission from Audioblocks. Hosted by Pip Gengenbach.