Hey.IAM Season 2 Episode 2 Anime Popularity


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HEYIAM Podcast


Happy New Years to all of you from the Hey.IAM crew thank you to all those who listened to us since we started. You help motivate us to continue doing what Hey.IAM knows how to do best, giving you listeners quality podcast entertainment and laughs all around. We look forward to all of you joining us into the 2019 year where we plan to expand our horizon to more listeners around the world. In this episode we'll be discussing anime and how popular it has gotten over years to the point where it has became full mainstream. Now this wasn't always the case as back in the early 2000s people weren't really that acceptable to anime still labeling it as weird or childish but flash forward like 14 years later you have celebrities saying how much they love anime and suddenly everyone is a fan of anime now? Join the crew as we discuss our opinions on this topic like weebs we are and as we always do laugh and have a good time. We look forward to you guys sticking with us into the new year also recommend us some of your guys ideas of what we should discuss it be really helpful to keep the ball rolling all year long. Beat:"Prod. Musicality" @Musicalitybeats Tweet Us: twitter.com/heyiam_podcast Samone- twitter.com/SamoneNotSamese Samese-twitter.com/ItsSamese Tab-twitter.com/JustUrAvgTab Demetrius-twitter.com/YaAuntAtTheCrib Sam-twitter.com/hey_sam_3 See Us on Instagram www.instagram.com/heyiamfam/ Samone- www.instagram.com/yourfavcrea... Tab-www.instagram.com/uravgtab/ Demetrius-www.instagram.com/atem.got.drip/ Sam-www.instagram.com/sammmy3x/