Hide & Seek LIVE Halloween Event (October 2020)


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Liars' League (London)


A delicious bowl of creepy candy including girls' school ghosts, sloppy serial killers, post-apocalyptic survivalists, a haunted phone call and an eccentric aristo's personal monster museum. Plus our terrifying book quiz! HIDE & SEEK RUNNING ORDER 1. LANDLINE by Renee Agatep, read by Keleigh Wolf 2. THE HEART'S FILTHY DESIRE by Tom Leins, read by Tim Larkfield 3.THE LAST PLACE ANYONE LOOKS by Rikk Hill, read by Lin Sagovsky TERRIFYING HALLOWEEN BOOK QUIZ 4. HANDYMAN by George Aitch, read by Sean Patterson 5. EVIDENCE by Rosa Müller new author, read by Annalie Wilson