High Quality on a Low Budget, Creative Input From Domains Outside Your Own, And My Own Way of Getting Into a Flow State


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Creative Haven


Mitchel Dumlao is a video producer, content strategist, and creator that’s the host and founder for Creative Haven - a podcast, video production, and content strategy company that helps people grow their brands through video content.  In this episode, I talk about my history as a creative, and why watching movies with my family when I was a kid inspired me to become a filmmaker because I believe movies bring people together, while telling stories from unheard cultures; my method of creating optimized videos to help people grow their brands by developing a solid content strategy, producing high-quality content that’s affordable, and social media optimized video files; and how music, movement, and objectives help me get into my flow state by giving me something to focus on while keeping aware and in the present moment.   Learn more at TheCreativeHaven.com