Hit the Road, But Don't Get Hit - Safety and The Law While Walking, Running and Cycling


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SOL Podcast

News & Politics

This episode is packed full of information on how to stay safe when taking a well deserved break from the Corona "stay at home" order.  The experts say we need to continue exercising.  We may find ourselves outside walking, riding and/or cycling on the roadway.  What side of the road should we be on?  What are the laws for runners and cyclists?  Are they different?  Drew Baker (Shake & Bake) and Matt Dixon (The Ironman) dive into the details and are joined by special guest, Ohio Bike Lawyer Steve Megas.  Steve, an cycling advocate and accomplished bike lawyer, explains where to look for insurance coverage if you are hit while on the roadway as a walker, biker and/or cyclist.  In this episode, learn how to be safe out there and avoid injury so you're ready to go when the stay at home order is no more.