HOA Talk Time - Episode - 098


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HOA Talk Time

Society & Culture

In this episode, Z asks Tab THE most important question...has he ever been cited for an HOA violation?!  The answer is not surprising! This week features an interview with The Builder Chicks.  Find out how two innovative and creative women, quit their day jobs to form a very successful custom furniture and home projects business.   Check out The Builder Chicks interview on WJLA Channel 7 https://wjla.com/news/local/dc-tops-list-of-most-supportive-cities-for-women-owned-businesses?fbclid=IwAR0gvIlx8BqPhSPanTFI7UUTJFSVP3UkexOZrmSgMOGiVtCNgMnwBXXafzg For more information about The Builder Chicks and their services, go to: https://www.builderchicks.com/