Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Movie Breakdown Ep. 72


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Order Of Opinion


In our 72nd episode, as we continue our Macaulay Culkin alone with older men and homeless ladies Christmas special at the end of January the right way. This year instead of Kevin McAllister wishing away his family, his family  planned a child disappearance in a near perfect way with his dad the stan of scott peterson being the mastermind and the pasty boy wonder find himself in the smug of New York fighting for his life from frolicking concierge’s putting roofies in his pizza,  a bell hop (Rob Schneider) looking for celebrity handouts, a potential predator way too in to sick children and watching them play with his toys, and secret self advice discussions with a homeless irish lady who is homeless because she is heart broken her husband left her for her facial hair and lackluster shepherd’s pie. Somehow on a billionth of a chance he meets up with the pepperoni goblin Joe Pesci and the lanky clownfooted Jew for a final showdown that should have ended in two deaths. We give you another outlook on how to be parent and you better take it seriously and how this podcast can really change your life for the worst. All this and more possible underage situations in our breakdown of Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (Ep. 72). Listen to our previous episode on Home Alone(Ep. 71) and go back and listen to our other recent releases including our most recent Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Ep. 70) and Justice League (Ep. 69). Also be sure to listen to the other “great” movie series we have done: Planet of the Apes (Ep. 63-66), Transformers (Ep. 57-61), Pirates of the Caribbean (Ep. 52-56), Fast and the Furious (Ep. 44-51), X-Men (Ep. 33-43), Star Wars (Ep. 24-31, Ep, 70), Harry Potter (Ep. 15-23), and MCU (Ep. 1-14 and 62, 67,68). Hit us up with how you feel about the Home Alone 2 or if you know of a safe place from your parents in New York that a Jewtalian cannot find us.    Follow us on twitter and facebook for release schedules and daily order of opinion buffoonery @orderofopinion