Home Church Week 1: Glory to God


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MRC Sermons

Religion & Spirituality

Sermon Scripture:  Romans 11:33-12:1Reflection questions1. Romans invites us to consider the question, “To whom do we give our worship?” For Paul, the answer is of critical importance. What does it mean to give all of yourself to God in worship? How can you practice that this week?2. What are some of the differences between God’s sovereign reign and the roman empire that we outlined in this study? Why is it important to keep some of Paul’s political situation in view as we study Romans?  3. In what ways do you find yourself tempted to give glory to another kingdom (empire) than God’s? This may take some deep, honest reflection, but Paul thinks we are all complicit in this (see for example, 3:9-11 and 6.16)4. We end where we began. Spend some time reflecting (or maybe even journaling and certainly praying) about the ways you are comforted today by a God who is wonderful, good, wise, powerful and gracious. Never an excuse to practice injustice or to be unloving, but rather the very foundation of our lives of justice and love, God is in Control! Amen!