HONK! Life In Kurdistan, Untitled Geese, Nationalised Restaurants And Brexit Disco


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The Pod Delusion

News & Politics

This week we go from the serious to the absurd. We find out what the Kurdish region of Syria is actually like, we take Owen Jones’s suggestion of a National Restaurant chain seriously, get down to a Brexit Disco, and ask an actual goose behaviour scientist if geese really are dicks.***Join our Patreon and support a voice of sanity in a world that has gone mad.***Follow The Pod Delusion on Twitter and Facebook.Follow your host, James O'Malley, on Twitter. You can email him on psythor(at)gmail.com - prospective advertisers are especially welcome! You can follow Liz too.Norma Costello's Twitter and Journalist Page.Prof Peter Atkins' writing on nationalised British restaurants [PDF].Dr Claudia Wascher (she's also on Twitter).The Hustle by Article 54 on Bandcamp and Spotify.Rhodri Marsden on Twitter.Our theme music is by the amazing Milton Mermikidies.HONK!