How HR Standards Are Developed


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HRCI Work | Life Podcast


This is your HR News Flash, your briefing on talent management and the world of work from HRCI. Global standards are necessary, yet present many challenges. This is particularly significant for HR practitioners, as standards and terms concerning employment laws, social and cultural norms and business processes- including ethics are the backbone of a thriving organization. Let us review the International Organization for Standardization ISO initiative, ISO 30415 standard. It was created by a team of international HR experts from 14 countries regarding the implementation and sustainability of global diversity and inclusion practices. Maintain sustainable development goals. Inclusive workplace cultures support fundamental human rights. This ISO 30415 was built for the United Nations sustainable development goals based on the 2030 agenda. It identifies and incorporates three human rights: reduced inequalities, decent work and economic growth and gender equality. Incorporate diverse perspectives. Drafts of the ISO 30415 were open to comments from global HR professionals from 33 participating countries. This allowed diverse feedback during the development process as the committee worked towards a consensus for an international standard. Building consensus by reconciling comments. The last draft of the ISO 30415 received almost a thousand comments from global HR professionals. Enabling these voices and leveraging critical thinking helped the committee incorporate diverse ideas that are clear and actionable into the standard.  This concludes your HR News Flash. HRCI prepares HR leaders for the digital age. Thanks for listening. Check back soon for the workplace news you need. Learn more at