How practicable is it to apply Data Protection to activities involving Freedom of Expression? 4


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Centre for Socio-Legal Studies


This contribution by Anthony House, a Manager at Google leading its central public policy team in Europe the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), presents Google's position on Data Protection, the Right to be Forgotten and search engines. Antony House argues that the Right to be Forgotten should not be applied to search engines in so far as they are involved in the dissemination, discovery and consumption of lawfully published information. The talk was the keynote address of the OxPILS Conference 'The 'Right to be Forgotten' and Beyond' held on 12 June 2012. This Conference was the culmination of 'Mending the Tangled Web? Information Privacy 3.0', a series which was generously made possible with funding from a Joint Programme between the European Union and the Council of Europe. (The views expressed are those of the individual speakers only). For full details please see