How the Golden Rule Applies to Real Estate


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Wilmington Real Estate Podcast with Andy Richardson

News & Politics

Even when you are in a position of power as a seller, it is important to always be respectful of the buyer. After all, a buyer in the hand is worth two in the bush.How much would your Wilmington home sell for in today's market?    Want to buy a Wilmington Home? Search all homes for sale.We’ve all heard the saying that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. However, this saying is also true when it comes to buyers.In today’s competitive real estate market, there are more buyers than there are homes. As a result, sellers today tend to believe that they are in a position of power. While this is true in terms of negotiation, there are still things to be careful of.For example, you don’t want to scare off any buyers that are interested in a home. In any real estate transaction, a lot of things can go wrong. Whether it is an issue with repairs, interest rates, or the appraisal, there are a lot of variables that go into the process.You should always avoid being disrespectful to interested buyers. Never assume that another buyer will come along. Always treat others the way you want to be treated. While this may be the case, you still want to get your house off the market as soon as possible.Even if another buyer does come along, they will be deterred from your property if they see that a deal has fallen through in the past.It is important, therefore, that you do everything you can to work with an interested buyer when one comes along.  The golden rule applies in real estate as much as it does in life. Always treat others the way you want to be treated. If you have any questions about working with interested buyers or any other real estate topics, feel free to reach out to me. I'd be happy to help.